Os Limites Do Capital – David Harvey


  • Paul Mattick Jr.


Texto publicado originalmente em 2008. Esta tradução foi realizada por Murillo Amboni Schio e revisada por Thiago Papageorgiou a partir da versão em inglês disponível em: https://thenextrecession.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/mattick-on-harvey.pdf


Baran, Paul and Paul Sweezy 1966, Monopoly Capital, New York: Monthly Review Press.

Cogoy, Mario 1987 [1973], ‘The Falling Rate of Profit and the Theory of Accumulation’, International Journal of Political Economy, 17, 2: 54–74.

Grossmann, Henryk 1929, Das Akkumulations- und Zusammenbruchsgesetz des kapitalistischen Systems, Leipzig: Hirschfeld.

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Harvey, David 2003, The New Imperialism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jessop, Bob 2004, ‘On the Limits of The Limits to Capital’, Antipode, 36, 3: 480–96.

Marx, Karl 1976 [1867], Capital, Volume 1, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

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Mattick, Paul 1993, ‘Marx’s Dialectic’, in Marx’s Method in ‘Capital’, edited by Fred Moseley, Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press.

___________ 1997, ‘Theory as Critique: On the Argument in Capital’, in New Investigations of Marx’s Method, edited by Fred Moseley and Martha Campbell, Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press.

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Como Citar

Mattick Jr., P. (2022). Os Limites Do Capital – David Harvey. Revista Enfrentamento, 16(27). Recuperado de https://redelp.net/index.php/renf/article/view/556